Thursday, October 9, 2008

Guys,this video is link to the video on what you can't stand. =)

Question: 1) What's your fire storm experience?
2) Any areas you can't stand?

After watching this video, i'm again reminded, the importance of knowing our firestorm experience. Moses had one. Jesus had one. Paul had one. They all became powerful servants for God.

I know some of us may not have the firestorm experience, but we can discover the things that we can't stand at our young age. Certain cultures in our schools today.. certain unbiblical sight that just pain our hearts when we fix our eyes on them. If you have the same stirring in your heart as of Moses', that is your holy discontentment.

It doesn't just happen overnight, you need to fuel it. You need to be on the ground, in your school, be in the school culture. With that, you put on the LENSES OF GOD, and you see the culture of your school. That is when God will plant seed of discontentment in your heart.

Guys of NEB, i encouraged all of us, not to serve without understanding. We serve because we want to see changes in our schools. We evangelize because we want to see changes in our schools and because, we JUST CAN'T STAND THE CULTURE ANY LONGER.

The more we LOVE GOD, the more we LOVE his people. The more discontentment we have upon his people. Let's win our schools for Jesus.

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